Noether  0.0.0
No Matches
Mesh Modifiers

Implementations of the MeshModifier interface. More...

Detailed Description

Implementations of the MeshModifier interface.


class  noether::BSplineReconstruction
 Smoothes a mesh by fitting a bspline surface to it. More...
class  noether::CleanData
 Merges duplicate points, removes unused points, and/or removes degenerate cells. More...
class  noether::CompoundMeshModifier
 MeshModifier that cascades multiple MeshModifier instances in series. More...
class  noether::EuclideanClusteringMeshModifier
 MeshModifier that separates the mesh into clusters. More...
class  noether::FillHoles
 Fills holes in the mesh using vtkFillHoles More...
class  noether::NormalEstimationPCLMeshModifier
 Estimates vertex normals of an input mesh using PCL. More...
class  noether::NormalsFromMeshFacesMeshModifier
 MeshModifier that assigns vertex normals using mesh faces. More...
class  noether::PlaneProjectionMeshModifier
 MeshModifier that fits planes to the input mesh and projects the vertices onto the face. More...
class  noether::WindowedSincSmoothing
 Uses vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter to smooth the mesh. More...