Noether  0.0.0
No Matches

Custom behavior can be added by providing a class that overrides one of the Interfaces. See the implementations in Mesh Modifiers, Tool Path Planners, and Tool Path Modifiers for reference.

GUI Plugins

The Noether GUI is a framework that allows user-developed plugins to provide UI elements for configuring the Tool Path Planning Pipeline. The GUI has hooks for displaying widgets for all available MeshModifier, ToolPathPlanner, and ToolPathModifier implementations.
At run-time, the GUI searches for plugins that can provide the widgets to configure these tool path planning concept Interfaces. The GUI automatically finds plugins defined in this repository. User-developed plugins can also be found by the GUI by adding the names of the plugin libraries to the NOETHER_PLUGIN_LIBS environment variable.
This plugin-based GUI architecture allows end-users to leverage the out-of-the-box GUI infrastructure and plugins that come with Noether, while still enabling private development of custom capabilities or customizations to the front-end of existing Noether classes. Read the following sections to learn how to implement your own plugin for the Noether GUI.

How to create your own Noether GUI plugin