Noether  0.0.0
No Matches
Tool Path Modifiers

Implementations of the ToolPathModifier interface. More...

Detailed Description

Implementations of the ToolPathModifier interface.


class  noether::BiasedToolDragOrientationToolPathModifier
 Transforms the waypoints to correspond with the edge of the ginding tool so that the edge of the tool is in contact with the media. More...
class  noether::CircularLeadInModifier
 Modifier that adjusts the parameters of the tool approach trajectory to the media. More...
class  noether::CircularLeadOutModifier
 Modifier that adds exit waypoints in a circular arc (with fixed orientation) to the end of a trajectory. More...
class  noether::CompoundModifier
 Modifier that chains together other modifiers. More...
struct  noether::ConcatenateModifier
 Concatenates all input tool paths into a single tool path. More...
struct  noether::DirectionOfTravelOrientationModifier
 Aligns the x-axis of all waypoints with the direction of travel between adjacent waypoints. More...
class  noether::FixedOrientationModifier
 Aligns the orientation of each waypoint with the existing waypoint normal (z-axis) and the specified reference x-axis direction. More...
class  noether::LinearApproachModifier
 Adds a series of waypoints in a linear pattern off the first waypoint in a tool path. More...
class  noether::LinearDepartureModifier
 Adds a series of waypoints in a linear pattern off the last waypoint in a tool path. More...
class  noether::MovingAverageOrientationSmoothingModifier
 Applies a moving average filter to waypoints in each tool path segment to smooth their orientations. More...
class  noether::OffsetModifier
 Offsets the tool path by a fixed pose. More...
struct  noether::RasterOrganizationModifier
 Organizes a tool path into a raster-style pattern. More...
struct  noether::SnakeOrganizationModifier
 Organizes a tool path into a snake-style pattern. More...
class  noether::StandardEdgePathsOrganizationModifier
 Organizes a set of tool paths into a standard configuration for edge paths. More...
class  noether::ToolDragOrientationToolPathModifier
 Transforms the waypoints to correspond with the center of the ginding tool so that the edge of the tool is in contact with the media. More...
struct  noether::UniformOrientationModifier
 Aligns the x-axis of all waypoints with the direction of travel of the first two waypoints. More...
class  noether::UniformSpacingLinearModifier
 The UniformSpacingLinearModifier class. More...
class  noether::UniformSpacingSplineModifier
 The UniformSpacingSplineModifier class. More...