Noether  0.0.0
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAABBCenterOriginGeneratorReturns the center of the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) as the origin
 CBaseWidgetBase class for a widget "factory" that can produce classes of a specifiable type
 CBiasedToolDragOrientationToolPathModifierTransforms the waypoints to correspond with the edge of the ginding tool so that the edge of the tool is in contact with the media
 CBoundaryEdgePlannerEdge tool path planner that creates paths around the boundary edges of a mesh (exterior and interior) as identified by half-edge triangle mesh representation of the mesh
 CBSplineReconstructionSmoothes a mesh by fitting a bspline surface to it
 CCentroidOriginGeneratorReturns the centroid of the mesh vertices as the origin
 CCircularLeadInModifierModifier that adjusts the parameters of the tool approach trajectory to the media
 CCircularLeadOutModifierModifier that adds exit waypoints in a circular arc (with fixed orientation) to the end of a trajectory
 CCleanDataMerges duplicate points, removes unused points, and/or removes degenerate cells
 CCompoundMeshModifierMeshModifier that cascades multiple MeshModifier instances in series
 CCompoundModifierModifier that chains together other modifiers
 CConcatenateModifierConcatenates all input tool paths into a single tool path
 CDirectionGeneratorInterface for generating the direction of raster paths
 CDirectionOfTravelOrientationModifierAligns the x-axis of all waypoints with the direction of travel between adjacent waypoints
 CEdgePlannerA specification of the tool path planner interface for generating paths around the edges of surfaces
 CEuclideanClusteringMeshModifierMeshModifier that separates the mesh into clusters
 CExtrudedPolygonSubMeshExtractorExtracts the submesh with the vertices captured inside an extruded polygon defined by the input boundary points
 CExtrudedPolygonSubsetExtractorExtracts the submesh with the vertices captured inside an extruded polygon defined by the input boundary points
 CFillHolesFills holes in the mesh using vtkFillHoles
 CFixedDirectionGeneratorGenerates the raster direction based on a fixed input
 CFixedOrientationModifierAligns the orientation of each waypoint with the existing waypoint normal (z-axis) and the specified reference x-axis direction
 CFixedOriginGeneratorReturns a fixed point as the origin
 CLinearApproachModifierAdds a series of waypoints in a linear pattern off the first waypoint in a tool path
 CLinearDepartureModifierAdds a series of waypoints in a linear pattern off the last waypoint in a tool path
 CMeshModifierA common interface for mesh modifications
 CMovingAverageOrientationSmoothingModifierApplies a moving average filter to waypoints in each tool path segment to smooth their orientations
 CMultiToolPathPlannerRuns multiple tool path planners serially and concatenates their outputs together
 CNormalEstimationPCLMeshModifierEstimates vertex normals of an input mesh using PCL
 CNormalsFromMeshFacesMeshModifierMeshModifier that assigns vertex normals using mesh faces
 COffsetModifierOffsets the tool path by a fixed pose
 COffsetOriginGeneratorReturns the origin as the origin of another specified origin generator plus a fixed offset
 COneTimeCompoundModifierModifier that chains together one-time style modifiers
 COneTimeToolPathModifierAn extension of the ToolPathModifier interface that requires a modifier to not cause additional changes if run again
 COriginGeneratorInterface for setting the start point from which to generate toolpaths
 CPCARotatedDirectionGeneratorRotates a direction vector provided by another direction generator about the smallest principal axis of the input mesh
 CPlaneProjectionMeshModifierMeshModifier that fits planes to the input mesh and projects the vertices onto the face
 CPlaneSlicerRasterPlannerAn implementation of the Raster Planner using a series of parallel cutting planes
 CPluginLoaderWidgetWidget for loading widget plugins
 CPrincipalAxisDirectionGeneratorGenerates the raster direction along the largest principal axis of the input mesh
 CRasterOrganizationModifierOrganizes a tool path into a raster-style pattern
 CRasterPlannerA specification of the tool path planner for covering surfaces in repeating, evenly spaced path lines
 CRasterPlannerFactoryInterface for creating implementations of raster tool path planners
 CSnakeOrganizationModifierOrganizes a tool path into a snake-style pattern
 CStandardEdgePathsOrganizationModifierOrganizes a set of tool paths into a standard configuration for edge paths
 CSubMeshExtractorBase class for extracting a submesh from a mesh given a set of boundary points
 CSubsetExtractorBase class for extracting a point cloud subset from an input given a set of boundary points
 CToolDragOrientationToolPathModifierTransforms the waypoints to correspond with the center of the ginding tool so that the edge of the tool is in contact with the media
 CToolPathModifierA common interface for functions that alter a generated toolpath
 CToolPathPlannerInterface for a tool path planner that operates on a mesh
 CToolPathPlannerFactoryInterface for creating implementations of the ToolPathPlanner interface
 CTPPPipelineWidgetWidget for creating a tool path planning pipeline
 CTPPWidgetBasic tool path planning widget
 CUniformOrientationModifierAligns the x-axis of all waypoints with the direction of travel of the first two waypoints
 CUniformSpacingLinearModifierThe UniformSpacingLinearModifier class
 CUniformSpacingSplineModifierThe UniformSpacingSplineModifier class
 CWidgetPluginBase class for a plugin that can generate a Qt widget
 CWindowedSincSmoothingUses vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter to smooth the mesh
 CConfigConfiguration information for WindowedSincSmoothing