![]() |
Cnoether::WindowedSincSmoothing::Config | Configuration information for WindowedSincSmoothing |
▼Cnoether::DirectionGenerator | Interface for generating the direction of raster paths |
Cnoether::FixedDirectionGenerator | Generates the raster direction based on a fixed input |
Cnoether::PCARotatedDirectionGenerator | Rotates a direction vector provided by another direction generator about the smallest principal axis of the input mesh |
Cnoether::PrincipalAxisDirectionGenerator | Generates the raster direction along the largest principal axis of the input mesh |
▼Cnoether::MeshModifier | A common interface for mesh modifications |
Cnoether::BSplineReconstruction | Smoothes a mesh by fitting a bspline surface to it |
Cnoether::CleanData | Merges duplicate points, removes unused points, and/or removes degenerate cells |
Cnoether::CompoundMeshModifier | MeshModifier that cascades multiple MeshModifier instances in series |
Cnoether::EuclideanClusteringMeshModifier | MeshModifier that separates the mesh into clusters |
Cnoether::FillHoles | Fills holes in the mesh using vtkFillHoles |
Cnoether::NormalEstimationPCLMeshModifier | Estimates vertex normals of an input mesh using PCL |
Cnoether::NormalsFromMeshFacesMeshModifier | MeshModifier that assigns vertex normals using mesh faces |
Cnoether::PlaneProjectionMeshModifier | MeshModifier that fits planes to the input mesh and projects the vertices onto the face |
Cnoether::WindowedSincSmoothing | Uses vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter to smooth the mesh |
▼Cnoether::OriginGenerator | Interface for setting the start point from which to generate toolpaths |
Cnoether::AABBCenterOriginGenerator | Returns the center of the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) as the origin |
Cnoether::CentroidOriginGenerator | Returns the centroid of the mesh vertices as the origin |
Cnoether::FixedOriginGenerator | Returns a fixed point as the origin |
Cnoether::OffsetOriginGenerator | Returns the origin as the origin of another specified origin generator plus a fixed offset |
Cnoether::BSplineReconstruction::Parameters | |
Cnoether::ExtrudedPolygonSubsetExtractor::Params | |
▼CQMainWindow | |
Cnoether::TPPWidget | Basic tool path planning widget |
▼CQWidget | |
Cnoether::PluginLoaderWidget< noether::WidgetPlugin > | |
▼Cnoether::BaseWidget< T > | Base class for a widget "factory" that can produce classes of a specifiable type |
Cnoether::AABBOriginGeneratorWidget | |
Cnoether::BiasedToolDragOrientationToolPathModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::BoundaryEdgePlannerWidget | |
Cnoether::CentroidOriginGeneratorWidget | |
Cnoether::CircularLeadInToolPathModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::CircularLeadOutToolPathModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::ConcatenateModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::DirectionOfTravelOrientationModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::EuclideanClusteringMeshModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::FillHolesModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::FixedDirectionGeneratorWidget | |
Cnoether::FixedOrientationModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::FixedOriginGeneratorWidget | |
▼Cnoether::LinearApproachToolPathModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::LinearDepartureToolPathModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::MovingAverageOrientationSmoothingModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::NormalEstimationPCLMeshModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::NormalsFromMeshFacesMeshModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::OffsetModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::PlaneProjectionMeshModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::PrincipalAxisDirectionGeneratorWidget | |
Cnoether::RasterOrganizationModifierWidget | |
▼Cnoether::RasterPlannerWidget | |
▼Cnoether::PlaneSlicerRasterPlannerWidget | |
Cnoether::CrossHatchPlaneSlicerRasterPlannerWidget | |
Cnoether::SnakeOrganizationModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::StandardEdgePathsOrganizationModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::ToolDragOrientationToolPathModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::UniformOrientationModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::UniformSpacingLinearModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::UniformSpacingSplineModifierWidget | |
Cnoether::ConfigurableTPPPipelineWidget | |
Cnoether::PluginLoaderWidget< PluginT > | Widget for loading widget plugins |
Cnoether::TPPPipelineWidget | Widget for creating a tool path planning pipeline |
▼Cnoether::SubMeshExtractor | Base class for extracting a submesh from a mesh given a set of boundary points |
Cnoether::ExtrudedPolygonSubMeshExtractor | Extracts the submesh with the vertices captured inside an extruded polygon defined by the input boundary points |
▼Cnoether::SubsetExtractor | Base class for extracting a point cloud subset from an input given a set of boundary points |
Cnoether::ExtrudedPolygonSubsetExtractor | Extracts the submesh with the vertices captured inside an extruded polygon defined by the input boundary points |
▼Cnoether::ToolPathModifier | A common interface for functions that alter a generated toolpath |
Cnoether::BiasedToolDragOrientationToolPathModifier | Transforms the waypoints to correspond with the edge of the ginding tool so that the edge of the tool is in contact with the media |
Cnoether::CircularLeadInModifier | Modifier that adjusts the parameters of the tool approach trajectory to the media |
Cnoether::CircularLeadOutModifier | Modifier that adds exit waypoints in a circular arc (with fixed orientation) to the end of a trajectory |
Cnoether::CompoundModifier | Modifier that chains together other modifiers |
▼Cnoether::LinearApproachModifier | Adds a series of waypoints in a linear pattern off the first waypoint in a tool path |
Cnoether::LinearDepartureModifier | Adds a series of waypoints in a linear pattern off the last waypoint in a tool path |
Cnoether::MovingAverageOrientationSmoothingModifier | Applies a moving average filter to waypoints in each tool path segment to smooth their orientations |
Cnoether::OffsetModifier | Offsets the tool path by a fixed pose |
▼Cnoether::OneTimeToolPathModifier | An extension of the ToolPathModifier interface that requires a modifier to not cause additional changes if run again |
Cnoether::ConcatenateModifier | Concatenates all input tool paths into a single tool path |
Cnoether::DirectionOfTravelOrientationModifier | Aligns the x-axis of all waypoints with the direction of travel between adjacent waypoints |
Cnoether::FixedOrientationModifier | Aligns the orientation of each waypoint with the existing waypoint normal (z-axis) and the specified reference x-axis direction |
Cnoether::OneTimeCompoundModifier | Modifier that chains together one-time style modifiers |
Cnoether::StandardEdgePathsOrganizationModifier | Organizes a set of tool paths into a standard configuration for edge paths |
Cnoether::UniformOrientationModifier | Aligns the x-axis of all waypoints with the direction of travel of the first two waypoints |
Cnoether::RasterOrganizationModifier | Organizes a tool path into a raster-style pattern |
Cnoether::SnakeOrganizationModifier | Organizes a tool path into a snake-style pattern |
Cnoether::ToolDragOrientationToolPathModifier | Transforms the waypoints to correspond with the center of the ginding tool so that the edge of the tool is in contact with the media |
Cnoether::UniformSpacingLinearModifier | The UniformSpacingLinearModifier class |
Cnoether::UniformSpacingSplineModifier | The UniformSpacingSplineModifier class |
▼Cnoether::ToolPathPlanner | Interface for a tool path planner that operates on a mesh |
▼Cnoether::EdgePlanner | A specification of the tool path planner interface for generating paths around the edges of surfaces |
Cnoether::BoundaryEdgePlanner | Edge tool path planner that creates paths around the boundary edges of a mesh (exterior and interior) as identified by half-edge triangle mesh representation of the mesh |
Cnoether::MultiToolPathPlanner | Runs multiple tool path planners serially and concatenates their outputs together |
▼Cnoether::RasterPlanner | A specification of the tool path planner for covering surfaces in repeating, evenly spaced path lines |
Cnoether::PlaneSlicerRasterPlanner | An implementation of the Raster Planner using a series of parallel cutting planes |
▼Cnoether::ToolPathPlannerFactory | Interface for creating implementations of the ToolPathPlanner interface |
Cnoether::BoundaryEdgePlannerFactory | |
▼Cnoether::RasterPlannerFactory | Interface for creating implementations of raster tool path planners |
Cnoether::PlaneSlicerRasterPlannerFactory | |
Cnoether::ToolPathPlannerPipeline | |
Cnoether::WidgetPlugin< T > | Base class for a plugin that can generate a Qt widget |
Cnoether::WidgetPlugin< BaseT > |